Popcorn Readers Angry Birds

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# 需詳看內頁了解教學資源請line紫婕!學校專用優惠好康請私line配套建議!
1 9781906861360 Scholastic Popcorn Readers Level 2: Kung Fu Panda with CD 功夫熊貓 1
2 9781906861384 Scholastic Popcorn Readers Level 3: Kung Fu Panda 2 The Kaboom of Doom 功夫熊猫 2:末日大爆炸
3 9781906861247 Scholastic Popcorn Readers Level 1: Shrek 1 with CD 史瑞克 1
4 9781906861261 Scholastic Popcorn Readers Level 2: Shrek 2 with CD 史瑞克 2
5 9781906861285 Scholastic Popcorn Readers Level 3: Shrek the Third with CD 史瑞克 3:史瑞克三世
6 9781906861308 Scholastic Popcorn Readers Level 3: Shrek Forever After with CD 史瑞克 4:快樂4神仙
7 9781906861407 Scholastic Popcorn Readers Level 1: Ice Age 1 with CD 冰原歷險記 1
8 9781906861421 Scholastic Popcorn Readers Level 2: Ice Age 2 The Meltdown with CD冰原歷險記 2:冰原危機
9 9781906861445 Scholastic Popcorn Readers Level 3: Ice Age 3 Dawn of the Dinosaurs 冰原歷險記 3:恐龍現身
10 9781906861469 Scholastic Popcorn Readers Level 1: Mr Bean: Royal Bean with CD 豆豆先生 1:皇家豆豆先生
11 9781906861483 Scholastic Popcorn Readers Level 2: Mr Bean: Toothache with CD 豆豆先生 2:牙痛事件
12 9781906861506 Scholastic Popcorn Readers Level 3: Mr Bean: The Palace of Bean 豆豆先生 3:豆豆的白金漢宮
13 9781906861322 Scholastic Popcorn Readers Level 1: Madagascar 1 with CD 馬達加斯加 1
14 9781908351562 Scholastic Popcorn Readers Level 1: Penguins of Madagascar: The Lost Treasure of the Golden with CD 馬達加斯加企鵝:黄金松鼠的失落寶藏
15 9781906861346 Scholastic Popcorn Readers Level 2: Madagascar 2 Return to Africa 馬達加斯加 2 逃往非洲
16 9781908351623 Scholastic Popcorn Readers Level 3: Madagascar 3 with CD 馬達加斯加3
17 9781906861520 Scholastic Popcorn Readers Level 3: Nanny McPhee and the Big Bang 魔法保姆麥克菲之愛的大爆炸
18 9781906861971 Scholastic Popcorn Readers Level 1: Hachiko with CD 忠犬小八
19 9781906861995 Scholastic Popcorn Readers Level 2: Rango with CD 飆風雷哥
20 9781407133683 Scholastic Popcorn Readers Level 1: Tintin’s Daring Escape with CD 丁丁歷險記 1: 大膽逃亡
21 9781407133690 Scholastic Popcorn Readers Level 2: Tintin Danger At Sea with CD 丁丁歷險記 2: 海上冒險
22 9781407133706 Scholastic Popcorn Readers Level 3: Tintin The Lost Treasure with CD丁丁歷險記 3: 失落的寶藏
23 9781908351081 Scholastic Popcorn Readers Level 1: Rio: Blu and Jewel with CD 里約大冒險 1:阿藍與珠兒
24 9781908351104 Scholastic Popcorn Readers Level 2: Rio: Learning To Fly with CD 里約大冒險 2:學習飛翔
25 9781908351128 Scholastic Popcorn Readers Level 3: Rio: Looking For Blu with CD 里約大冒險 3:尋找阿藍
26 9781908351548 Scholastic Popcorn Readers Level 1: Over the Hedge with CD 森林保衛戰
27 9781908351500 Scholastic Popcorn Readers Level 1: The Jungle Book: Man Trap with CD 森林王子
28 9781908351647 Scholastic Popcorn Readers Level 2: Time Jump: Back to the Stone Age with CD 穿越石器時代
29 9781908351586 Scholastic Popcorn Readers Level 2: Puss in Boots: The Outlaw with CD 鞋貓劍客:法外之徒
30 9781908351609 Scholastic Popcorn Readers Level 3: Puss in Boots &the Gold of San Ricardo鞋貓劍客與黃金國度
31 9781909221819 Scholastic Popcorn Readers Starter Level: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Meet the Turtles with CD 忍者龜:初登場
32 9781909221659 Scholastic Popcorn Readers Level 1: TeenageMutantNinjaTurtles:RiseoftheTurtles忍者龜 1:炫風崛起
33 9781909221673 Scholastic Popcorn Readers Level 2: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Kraang Attack! with CD 忍者龜 2:克朗的攻擊
34 9781909221697 Scholastic Popcorn Readers Level 3: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Donnie’s Robot with CD 忍者龜 3:多納太羅的機器人
35 9781909221772 Scholastic Popcorn Readers Starter Level: Mr. Bean’s Guide to London 豆豆先生:倫敦旅遊指南
36 9781909221796 Scholastic Popcorn Readers Starter Level: Mr. Bean: A Day at the Beach豆豆先生:海灘一日遊
37 9781909221833 Scholastic Popcorn Readers Starter Level: SpongeBob Squarepants: Underwater Friend海綿寶寶:海底的朋友們
38 9781909221857 Scholastic Popcorn Readers Starter Level: SpongeBob Squarepants:SpongeBob’sNewToy海綿寶寶:新玩具
39 9781909221734 Scholastic Popcorn Readers Level 1: SpongeBob Squaarepants: Talent Show 海綿寶寶 1:達人秀
40 9781909221710 Scholastic Popcorn Readers Level 2: SpongeBob Squaarepants: Wormy 海綿寶寶 2:蟲蟲危機
41 9781909221758 Scholastic Popcorn Readers Level 3: SpongeBob Squaarepants: DoodleBob 海綿寶寶 3:神奇鉛筆
42 9781908351890 Scholastic Popcorn Readers Level 3: Kieran’s Karate Adventure空手道金牌夢
Scholastic Popcorn Readers Level 2: Kung Fu Panda with CD 功夫熊貓 1
Scholastic Popcorn Readers Level 3: Kung Fu Panda 2 The Kaboom of Doom with CD 功夫熊猫 2:末日大爆炸
Scholastic Popcorn Readers Level 1: Shrek 1 with CD 史瑞克 1
Scholastic Popcorn Readers Level 2: Shrek 2 with CD 史瑞克 2
Scholastic Popcorn Readers Level 3: Shrek the Third with CD 史瑞克 3:史瑞克三世
Scholastic Popcorn Readers Level 3: Shrek Forever After with CD 史瑞克 4:快樂4神仙
Scholastic Popcorn Readers Level 1: Ice Age 1 with CD 冰原歷險記 1
Scholastic Popcorn Readers Level 2: Ice Age 2 The Meltdown with CD 冰原歷險記 2:冰原危機
Scholastic Popcorn Readers Level 3: Ice Age 3 Dawn of the Dinosaurs with CD 冰原歷險記 3:恐龍現身
Scholastic Popcorn Readers Level 1: Mr Bean: Royal Bean with CD 豆豆先生 1:皇家豆豆先生
Scholastic Popcorn Readers Level 2: Mr Bean: Toothache with CD 豆豆先生 2:牙痛事件
Scholastic Popcorn Readers Level 3: Mr Bean: The Palace of Bean with CD 豆豆先生 3:豆豆的白金漢宮
Scholastic Popcorn Readers Level 1: Madagascar 1 with CD 馬達加斯加 1
Scholastic Popcorn Readers Level 1: Penguins of Madagascar:TheLostTreasure of theGolden馬達加斯加企鵝黄金松鼠的失落寶藏
Scholastic Popcorn Readers Level 2: Madagascar 2 Return to Africa with CD 馬達加斯加 2 逃往非洲
Scholastic Popcorn Readers Level 3: Madagascar 3 with CD 馬達加斯加3
Scholastic Popcorn Readers Level 3: Nanny McPhee and the Big Bang with CD 魔法保姆麥克菲之愛的大爆炸
Scholastic Popcorn Readers Level 1: Hachiko with CD 忠犬小八
Scholastic Popcorn Readers Level 2: Rango with CD 飆風雷哥
Scholastic Popcorn Readers Level 1: Tintin’s Daring Escape with CD 丁丁歷險記 1: 大膽逃亡
Scholastic Popcorn Readers Level 2: Tintin Danger At Sea with CD 丁丁歷險記 2: 海上冒險
Scholastic Popcorn Readers Level 3: Tintin The Lost Treasure with CD 丁丁歷險記 3: 失落的寶藏
Scholastic Popcorn Readers Level 1: Rio: Blu and Jewel with CD 里約大冒險 1:阿藍與珠兒
Scholastic Popcorn Readers Level 2: Rio: Learning To Fly with CD 里約大冒險 2:學習飛翔
Scholastic Popcorn Readers Level 3: Rio: Looking For Blu with CD 里約大冒險 3:尋找阿藍
Scholastic Popcorn Readers Level 1: Over the Hedge with CD 森林保衛戰
Scholastic Popcorn Readers Level 1: The Jungle Book: Man Trap with CD 森林王子
Scholastic Popcorn Readers Level 2: Time Jump: Back to the Stone Age with CD 穿越石器時代
Scholastic Popcorn Readers Level 2: Puss in Boots: The Outlaw with CD 鞋貓劍客:法外之徒
Scholastic Popcorn Readers Level 3: Puss in Boots and the Gold of San Ricardo with CD 鞋貓劍客與黃金國度
Scholastic Popcorn Readers Starter Level: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Meet the Turtles with CD 忍者龜:初登場
Scholastic Popcorn Readers Level 1: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Rise of the Turtles with CD 忍者龜 1:炫風崛起
Scholastic Popcorn Readers Level 2: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Kraang Attack! with CD 忍者龜 2:克朗的攻擊
Scholastic Popcorn Readers Level 3: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Donnie’s Robot with CD忍者龜 3:多納太羅的機器人
Scholastic Popcorn Readers Starter Level: Mr. Bean’s Guide to London with CD 豆豆先生:倫敦旅遊指南
Scholastic Popcorn Readers Starter Level: Mr. Bean: A Day at the Beach with CD 豆豆先生:海灘一日遊
Scholastic Popcorn Readers Starter Level: SpongeBob Squarepants: Underwater Friends with CD 海綿寶寶:海底的朋友們
Scholastic Popcorn Readers Starter Level: SpongeBob Squarepants: SpongeBob’s New Toy with CD 海綿寶寶:新玩具
Scholastic Popcorn Readers Level 1: SpongeBob Squaarepants: Talent Show with CD 海綿寶寶 1:達人秀
Scholastic Popcorn Readers Level 2: SpongeBob Squaarepants: Wormy with CD 海綿寶寶 2:蟲蟲危機
Scholastic Popcorn Readers Level 3: SpongeBob Squaarepants: DoodleBob with CD 海綿寶寶 3:神奇鉛筆
Scholastic Popcorn Readers Level 3: Kieran’s Karate Adventure with CD 空手道金牌夢