神奇樹屋 :消失的圓桌武士

# 需詳看內頁了解教學資源請line紫婕!學校專用優惠好康請私line配套建議!
ISBN: 978-0-375-85812-3
作 者: Osborne, Mary Pope
出 版 社:Random House USA
系列名稱:Magic Tree House Merlin Mission
級 別: 單書

# 需詳看內頁了解教學資源請line紫婕!學校專用優惠好康請私line配套建議!
Magic Tree House Merlin Mission 1: Christmas in Camelot 神奇樹屋 :消失的圓桌武士
The Magic Tree House series has become a staple for inspiring kids to read. Christmas in Camelot is a very special Magic Tree House book. Here, author Mary Pope Osborne uses the literary skills for which she known to create a longer, more in-depth story featuring the characters kids have come to love.

The result is magical: a fast-paced but detailed, easy-to-read story. Jack and Annie go on a quest to save Camelot, a quest that will prove to a beleaguered King Arthur that children and imagination really can make a difference.
Age Range: 7 – 10 years