Hat’s On Top 2A 字母數字本

# 需詳看內頁了解教學資源請line紫婕!學校專用優惠好康請私line配套建議!
書號 : HP046101
書名 : Hat’s On Top(2B)字母+數字本
分類 : 習作

# 需詳看內頁了解教學資源請line紫婕!學校專用優惠好康請私line配套建議!


Put your thinking hats on and discover the world.
#Language through Content Learning
Hats On promotes the learning of English in all curriculum areas. While exploring each unit theme and developing English-language skills, children simultaneously develop science, math, social studies, art, physical development, and early literacy skills.
#Social Studies
Learning about the communities and groups they are part of: family, friends, school, and neighborhood. They learn to share, work together, help each other and use polite language.
#Science and Discovery
Engage children in active discovery of the world around them; children learn to ask questions and express pinions.
Mathematical Conceptual Development
Children count, sort, chart, and graph objects while learning English.
#Artistic Appreciation and Expression
Art projects and dramatic play allow kids to use the language they have learned.
#Physical Education
Children will develop gross motor and coordination skills. Children also explore the importance of health, hygiene, and physical activities.
#Language and literacy
Develop children’s phonemic awareness, early phonics, word blending, sight words, and love of reading.
#Student Book and Take-Home CD
Children will develop gross motor and coordination skills. Children also ex[lore the importance of health, hygiene, and physical activities.
#Activity Book
The Hats On Activity Book is designed to provide practice of new language presented in the Student Book and to build fine motor skills. Each Student Book lesson has at least on supporting Activity Book page so children are given plentiful opportunities for hands-on independent exploration of new language and concepts.
#Count On Reading
This enrichment workbook is designed to help children build early literacy and numeracy skills. It is especially appropriate for schools that can devote more time to learning English and wish to booster literacy and numeracy-based competencies.

Teacher Resources-3 Step Lesson Plan
Each Hats On lesson plan is organize into three clear steps:
1) Circle Time
Teachers are encourage to start each class by gathering children together in a circle. Through whole-class activities, including songs, chants, and games, children are gently introduced to new concepts and language. Circle Time activities build background and provide scaffolding for the material presented in the Student Book.
2) With the Book
Children apply the language and concepts introduce in Circle Time as they explore and discuss the Student Book page and participate in related activities.
3) Explore Some More
Language and concepts are reinforced and extended through a variety of activities. Learning Center material are often introduced at this stage in the class.
#Class Audio CD
The Class Audio CD contains all the songs, chants, stories, listening activities, and unit assessment scripts included in the course. Songs and chants which are designated as wiggle and transition songs or rhymes can easily be found at the beginning of the CD.
#Photo Cards
Early Learner Photo Cards provide photographic images of key vocabulary items. They are used to introduce vocabulary, and also in a variety of language-based games and activities.
#Learning Centers
Math Center: Sorting Numbers/Art Center: Lost of Hearts
Science Center: Shake and Listen/Early Literacy Center: I Like…