Future Jobs Readers 1-1: Robotics Engineers

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Future Jobs Readers 1-1: Robotics Engineers with Audio CD
作者:Kelly Daniels
出版商:Seed Learning
參考網頁:Future Jobs Readers
Future Jobs Readers 1-1: Robotics Engineers Kindle Edition
作者 Kelly Daniels (Author), Casey Malarcher (Editor)
格式: Kindle Edition

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參考網頁:Future Jobs Readers
Future Jobs Readers 1-1: Robotics Engineers Kindle Edition
Seed Learning’s Future Jobs Readers is a new nonfiction series that explores exciting new careers that may soon become available to young people today. The series explains the type of work these careers will entail along with the kind of study and experience they require. Many of the careers that the series focuses on relate to developing technologies with applications in many different fields. In particular, the series aims to spark the interest of readers in considering the study of STEM-related subject areas that can open up new horizons for the next generation in the workplace.

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1-1 Robotics Engineers
In Robotics Engineers, students will learn about careers in which people design and build new machines that can do work for us in homes, offices, hospitals, and factories.
Word Count 690 words
Provide informative descriptions of what people do in various careers along with basic requirements for entering certain fields
Allow learners to develop their reading fluency through extensive reading practice
Present strictly controlled vocabulary over the graded levels of the series
Include comprehension questions in each reader to encourage learner accountability
Highlight both subject-specific and level-appropriate terms in succinct glossary pages
Suggest additional topics for students to research and discuss on “Teachers’ Notes” pages