Benchmark English (6) Module 1 Student Book

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Benchmark ENGLISH.使用校申請教師配套洽紫婕

1.Teacher’s eGuides
2.Classroom Presentation Tool Digital(PPT)
5.Phonics Practice(From Level 1 to 3)
6.Articulation Videos
7.Workbooks Print / Digital
8.Answer Keys

《Benchmark English》

⭐️ 教材亮點 ⭐️
❶ 全部18冊,共6級數,每級數各3冊,適合國小ㄧ至六年級使用 (CEFR A1 – B1+)。
❷ 主題文章符合SDGs議題,內容取自美國小學教材 ,兼具 Fiction及Non-fiction,精心設計理解問題,幫助學生熟悉內容。
❸ 內容活動及圖片引導關鍵詞彙與概念,培養閱讀及語言技能。
❹ 掃描 QR Code 隨時聆聽專屬音檔,提高語感與發音準確度!
❺ 教學配件有PPT、試卷、音檔。

⭕️ 此套教材適合學校及補教,完整冊數內容可作為上下學期用書首選❗️

Benchmark English

    •  is a comprehensive ELL program with seven levels to support and scaffold multilingual learners. Reading passages pair with authentic opportunities to learn English in context and improve listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills.


    • Features

      • Unit Openers introduce key words and concepts with engaging photos and activities to spark curiosity.
      • Reading Passages (nonfiction & fiction) include targeted questions and comprehension checks.
      • Activity Pages build language skills, develop reading comprehension, and promote listening and speaking.
      • Audio for passages and prompts provide opportunities to listen while reading, with QR codes at point of use.


    • Student Books & Workbooks (Print +/or Digital option)
    • Teacher Resources (Digital)
    • Assessment Program (Digital)